
Stellenanzeige POLSTERER (m/w)

Gasthaus Settele

Besenwirtschaft "das Früchtle"

Hotel zur Post, Ruhpolding

TexMex Fiesta, Beijing (Peking)

Hotel zur Post, Ruhpolding

Hacker Pschorr Gasthausbrauerei, Beijing (Peking)

Brewery-restaurant Lohhof ( Haniel ) hotel room
Rooms in brewery-style. The proprietor said: "We are no city hotel." Our task was consequentially to design rooms
with an individual character fitting a brewery-style inn and to indicate a consistent style. The rooms should make
people smile, make the hotel stand out when compared to ordinary ones, ones without a history.

Wildpark Stub’n, Wildfreizeitpark ( game and adventure park ), Oberreith
The restaurant was renovated and new rooms were added for the 10th anniversary of the park. The new rooms provide plenty of space for special celebrations or parties. There is a separate playroom for children’s birthday parties where the young guests will find an outdoor slide into the playground. In accordance with the surrounding forests and fields we brought a natural aura into the rooms of the restaurant. The furniture is in a modern rustic-style with traditional cut-through and wedged-in table legs the way it used to be in the past. The Wildpark Stub’n - a cosy place for young and old.

Brauhaus zu Coburg
An authentic inn, a true Bavarian-Franconian pub in the centre of Coburg. Elegant & Casual. A meeting place for the old established townspeople of Coburg as well as for guests from all over the world. The general public of the university town feels comfortable in the various sitting areas.

Schlosswirtschaft Herrenchiemsee
A classic destination for a day trip, but also perfect for celebrations or meetings. Modern and up-to-date. Short term visitors as well as conference participants enjoy the cosiness of this venerable palace.

Schloss-Café Herrenchiemsee
A classic destination for a day trip, but also perfect for celebrations or meetings. Modern and up-to-date. Short term visitors as well as conference participants enjoy the cosiness of this venerable palace.

Farmhaus Restaurant – Steakhouse, Maisach /Gernlinden
A farmhouse in alpine style. Here, service is provided all day long. Starting with breakfast on to lunch, coffee and meetings. The restaurant offers a wide range of services as well as unique cosy comfort. The Steakhouse is characterized by its modern rustic-style. After dinner a spacious bar invites you to relax. Conference participants enjoy excellent all-round service!

Hacker-Pschorr Hamburg, Lange Reihe
A trendy pub with Bavarian flair, but in modest alpine style. A style of plain antique timber. It doesn’t “yodel”, there is no stuffiness about it – but it conveys a casual cosmopolitanism.

Hotel Stern, Ulm
A multifaceted property. The hotel lounge merging into the café, into the restaurant into the inn. In this way the requirements of different guests at various times of the day can be met, since who orders a roast pork at 10 o’clock in the morning or at 4 o’clock in the afternoon?
A perfect atmosphere, no matter what time of day it is. In the morning breakfast/brunch or only some coffee and a paper. In the afternoon coffee and a slice of cake or a snack.

Wirtshaus Zum Ochsen, Kälber`s Restaurant on the Härtsfeld in Nattheim
At long last there is an authentic brewery inn in Nattheim again. After twenty years of Greek cuisine, the Wirtshaus zum Ochsen is a traditional restaurant again. Wirtshaus zum Ochsen – the brewery inn of the brewery Schlumberger, located oppositely. The owner made the courageous decision of breathing life into the interior with the help of colourful wall panelling. Every guest will find a place to be comfortable here. Whether in the elevated sitting area, on the platform, in the adjoining room or in the beautifully restored hall. A hall with a romantic stucco ceiling for your wedding, birthday or other celebrations. A contemporary restaurant for young and old sans fear of contact.

Weingut ( winery ) Graeber, Edenkoben / Pfalz
Wine needs atmosphere! A comfortable sales- and tasting room – not a cold tasting room in glass and stainless steal. Traditional and contemporary that’s what we were looking for. With a long table to line up the individual products. Here guests can taste the wines in a comfortable atmosphere.
The seminar room can be booked for cooking demonstrations and wine tasting. Logistical solution: the circumferential large storage space makes it possible to store chairs and folding tables as required.

TRES Bar y CANTINA; Traunstein
Unwind completely in the Spanish appearing pub, simply relax and enjoy life. Cosiness achieved through decorative surprises, tapas, beer and a variety of life-acts. Everyone feels comfortable here, no fear of contact between young and old.

1516 Bar | Lounge, Schwangau
The Schlossbrauhaus – formerly Kurhaus Schwangau – is a unique large property with various rooms: saloon, hall, bowling alley, and the 1516 bar/lounge. Our task was to push back the charms of the 70ies and renovate it in keeping with the times. The brewery was converted into a brewery restaurant and guests are able to view the copper mash house while enjoying their food and drinks.

Schlossbrauhaus Schwangau, Schwangau
The Schlossbrauhaus – formerly Kurhaus Schwangau – is a unique large property with various rooms: saloon, hall, bowling alley, and the 1516 bar/lounge. Our task was to push back the charms of the 70ies and renovate it in keeping with the times. The brewery was converted into a brewery restaurant and guests are able to view the copper mash house while enjoying their food and drinks.

Jagdschloss – Hotel, Inn, Beer Garden Weber, Munich
An oasis in the centre of the city of Munich, Pasing! A traditional inn with various adjoining rooms and a spacious tap room. A meeting place for sales reps travelling alone. Here a traveller does not sit at a table by himself. In the Jagdschloss there is a large, long table where guests dine, have drinks and start conversations with each other…, the result: a comfortable and homely atmosphere.
When designing the rooms anew the “theme” Jagdschloss ( hunting castle ) was interpreted in a modern way. Modern “alpine style feeling” in the centre of Munich in combination with old spruce wood. An additional element of design is the stylized stag.

s’Wirtshaus O’gau, Oberammergau
s’Wirtshaus O’gau – a tastefully furnished restaurant generating cosiness with the help of cosy corners, elevated sitting areas, lighting effects and decorations. The sliding door, designed to match it, provides the entrance into the hall used for weddings, meetings, film screenings or family celebrations.

Hotel Ortner ( s’Wirtshaus O’gau ), Oberammergau
Enjoy the comfort of themed rooms. Romantic room, theatre room, King Ludwig II room, hunter’s room, mountain climbers’ room - every one of them makes the hotel guest smile. Special attention was given to the individual design and decorations of the rooms.

Klosterwirt Höglwörth, Anger
The old restaurant of the monastery got expanded with the addition of the “Salettl” ( small hall ). Additional room for up to 150 people, a view of the lake, a room flooded with light due to the extensive glass surfaces. We had to solve the problem of designing flexible furniture which is suitable for events, but which also reflects cosiness and adequately suits the ancient and homely atmosphere of a monastery prevailing in the original dining room with its wooden ceiling.

Romans, Munich
An old-established Italian restaurant offering Italian haute cuisine. The investor is looking ahead: his restaurant is already doing very well – due to the renovation he, however, gains the next edge over the competition in good time and achieves a pleasant surprise for his guests! Surprising but nevertheless down to earth.

Riegele Wirtshaus, Augsburg
At the heart of the brewery Riegele is the Riegele Wirtshaus . Our task comprised the design and manufacturing of the functional and timeless furniture for the office/salesroom and the testing room. The theme: atmosphere of a marketplace. The salesroom serves as a shop for the merchandising products of the brewery. The tasting room is used for seminars and tasting beer during guided tours of the brewery. We worked with solid oak wood.

Paulaner am Haarplatz
A traditional Bavarian inn and Bavarian cosiness alive in Wetzlar. That is what the inn Paulaner am Haarplatz guarantees. A niche in Hesse aiming for Bavarian ambiance.
The passing bicycle and kayak riders, too, are pleased to find savoury delicacies and Bavarian beer served in the comfortable atmosphere of the inn. And there are enough seats in the event-room for celebrations to take place.

Kälberhalle – Augsburger Brauhaus ( brewery ) Zum Hasen, Augsburg
The Kälberhalle is a very impressive building with a ceiling height of 12 meters and boasts an authentic brewery which brews beer not only for this venture, but for all customers of the Hasenbräu brewery. We succeeded in designing the furnishings for this exposed hall, dating from 1880, by accomplishing to reconcile the former industrial building with the present. A spacious bar area, a bottling plant for siphon bottles, oxidised iron and weathered old wood underline the uniqueness of the building.

Brauhaus ( brewery ) Goldener Engel, Ingelheim
A great venture – a successful business! A strikingly modern shell perfectly complimented by the minimalist design of the comfortable interior decorations. Old wood was partially used and creates a cosy atmosphere and high spirits. A room for events, an open fire and various features like a platform and elevated sitting areas bestow the property with excitement and vivacity!

Erlebnisbahnhof Gleis 1 ( adventure train station platform1 ), Amorbach
All aboard! The old railway station building has been put into the limelight again. You can now find the nostalgia station restaurant Gleis 1 there. It is divided into different compartments: first, second and third class. The first class philosophy of “luxury furniture” is reflected in the upholstered seats. Second and third class are “lumber class” in contrast. The individual areas are creatively divided with the help of theme-oriented decorations and various lighting effects.
Something for everyone in Gleis 1. The old parcel-counter – a homage to the old station. A converted old railway carriage recreated as an old saloon. Insulated and with air conditioning. A special location for events, celebrations and also for meetings.

Inn Echinger Hof, Eching
The Echinger Hof is clearly not in walking distance. A conversion into an inn which also appeals to young guests. A pleasant atmosphere created through cosy corners, elevated sitting areas and a platform. No fear of contact between young and old. A surprising adjoining room in light ivory reminds one of kitchen furniture out of grandma’s time. Due to the renovation new life has been breathed into the beer garden as well!

Restaurant Weihenstephaner am Dom, Freising
Dining in style over the roofs of Freising. It is a restaurant offering excellent local food, not a brewery inn, however, but a restaurant. A high level of comfort has been achieved with upholstered benches and cosy corners. The seats are arranged in a way that the cosy corners can be used for all kinds of events.

Wirthaus Zur Brez’n – Leopoldstraße, Munich
The task was insofar a challenge as the Wirtshaus Zur Brez’n was already faring very well! Modernising it for the next ten years! The basic structure of a Bavarian inn was to remain intact and yet we intended to use modern materials like stone and metal. The entire inn is now structured more clearly and an extra benefit has been achieved: 25 seats more is worth cash money in this highly frequented location.

Renovation Hotel Lobby & Buffet Area – Parkhotel am Soier See, Bad Bayersoien
The conversion of a hotel lobby into a fireplace lounge. Enjoy the open fire, sitting in comfortable leather chairs while having a slice of cake and some coffee or an aperitif or digestif…
As a result of the conversion of the buffet area a spacious breakfast buffet was created. State of the art – logistically ideally designed, because now the tables do not have to be set up and removed any more. The buffet area can now be used for all three daily meals. The combination of weathered old wood and oxidised metal conveys cosiness and modernity.

Opening of the Restaurant Nonna Martha, Ingelheim
The Nonna Martha adds new touches to Ingelheim! “Dining like at grandma’s table”. An Italian bar and restaurant with home cuisine and excellent beer from the brewery. Here a 25 year old feels as comfortable as a 70 year old. Cosiness achieved through cool and modern furniture with a homelike character. The walls are adorned with dark wood. A new concept by the “Brauhaus Goldener Engel.” A gap strategy that will work, because we do not only need brand environments like Vapiano, Mc Donald’s or Sausalitos.

Seminarhotel Kloster ( convent ) Holzen
The result is remarkable! Minimalist design, straight and simple. The light wooden surfaces with their natural texture have the effect of conveying a restful atmosphere for mind and soul. German oak does not have to be associated with “Gelsenkirchen Baroque” anymore. A fascinating interaction of the natural materials wood, iron and stone in the convent of the Benedictine nuns. A hotel for meetings, seminars and weddings as well as for restful days including meditation and physical exercise.

Café Samocca – catering with ideas for inclusion
“Back into life with the smell of coffee”. A restaurant with ideas for inclusion. The Café Samocca is a place to feel comfortable and relax but it is also a place to meet interesting people, because here the staff are people with disabilities. In the Café Samocca they have the opportunity to apply and further their talents and abilities.
Clean lines and a modern design of the furniture. A friendly and cosy atmosphere achieved through natural wooden surfaces in combination with modern furniture. A venture of the Dominikus-Ringeisen-Werk